resources for

Free business resources

Scroll down to find some of my favorite tools and resources that I use for my business. I've also got freebies and goodies for you to download!

my favorites

The Mandy Liz Shop

Stunning photos have never been easier!

The Timeless PReset Collection

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My preset collection was designed to produce a clean, true-to-life color edit for pictures taken with your phone! These 7 different presets create slight variations so you can easily edit your pictures with just 1 click (and minimal tweaking)! 

These are perfect for Mandy Liz clients that want to step up their phone photography! With these presets, your phone pictures will match the pictures you receive from your professional photo sessions! 

Over 15 pages of style tips & examples!

The Ultimate Guide to styling your personal branding photoshoot

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Buy the guide and get instant access to over 15 pages of tips that help you answer the common question: What should I wear for a personal branding photoshoot? Never wonder what to wear for lifestyle business headshots or brand photos again!